I wasn't sure that I would blog every day, but God keeps on putting things on my heart, so I blog. I began by thinking I'd post a prayer list every so often. My prayer list began something like this:
- My good friend Colin and his family who just laid his mother to rest last Friday. May they be comforted by knowing she is in heaven and may God comfort them through their time of grief.
- Melissa's Dad-he is undergoing surgery for cancer. I pray for a speedy recovery, for it to be as the doctor says, low threat and truely caught at the best time. I also pray for his family, namely Melissa. May they not worry about anything, but pray about everything and truely find comfort on your holiness Lord.
- For spouses who are separated by deployment, namely Jen and Greg. May God use these tough times to strengthen their marriages and their faith in him.
- Lork please be with the executives and the researches (really smart people) of BP. Lord show them how to fix this massive problem. Lord I pray that they may stop relying on their own knowledge and turn their eyes on you, and your knowledge.
- The faith of my family. I have not yet been able to share my faith, or really discuss faith with my mom or brothers. Lord I pray that you would give me the right words when the time is right, in your time to share your good news.
- For our news outlets, namely CNN, which is driven by our society, that they may see the sin in their ways and repent.
Ok so this is where I rant. (So maybe it's more pray rant pray...) I was a bit shocked and upset when I was scrolling the CNN.com news page today to see at the very bottom of the page, where there are headings for all sorts of categories...sports, entertainment, to see the category "Gay in America." I thought well surely there was a religion/faith category and I just missed it...nope. No such luck. So what am I ranting about...I really don't know. I don't know to whether to be upset about the fact that there is such a category, that there is a lack of religion category (which to me means faith isn't as big a part of our world as we'd like to think), or both! I quickly realized that anger wasn't the answer, and started to pray. Only to then come home and read my devotional titled ASAP-Always Say A Prayer. 2 Kings 19:19 "O Lord our God, I pray, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You are the Lord God, You alone." So instead of ranting about either, I pray.
Lord I pray that you will re-instill you love and your faith back into our world. Show us what it is that we can do to rid the world of sin and replace it with your love. So that instead of sinful and negative headlines our news will consist of sharing your love with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Amen!
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