How fitting, talk of presents on Valentine’s day! So I am doing a study of the book of James with my ladies bible study. (Man did God clearly pick this out for me, RIGHT now or what??!!) I started the study just days after learning Doug was going to be deploying again. So I pick up my bible and read, James 1:2 “My brethren, count it joy when you fall into various trials”-it’s like he knows the poop platter I was just handed! James 1:3 “knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience”-woah I’m going to get patience out of this deal-sign me up b/c I don’t pray for patience any more b/c that prayer brought some patience testing people into my life…no thank you-don’t need more of them! But I digress, this is about gifts. Fast forward James 1:12 “ Blessed is the (wo)man who perseveres under trials because when (s)he has stood the test, (s)he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” So if I withstand this trial, I will receive the crown of life-saweet!
Through my digging into James, I know that God has chosen this trial for me. He handpicked this time of my life, and decided that I needed to be refined in one area of my life or another. I don’t quite know what it is yet, but I know that he will be there to guide me through it. God is not tempting me or testing me, but he is refining me. So in that pretty little box is a separation from my husband, a child who hasn’t mastered sleeping through the night or napping, a weight loss goal, and I’m sure a few other things-all a mini-class that at the end I will come out better (If I stand the trial and don’t try and jump ship and run around the hurdle….). James 1:4 “But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
So for the next few months, my motto is “just keep praying, just keep praying, just keep praying”, because swimming praying will get me through it.
So when you’re mad at your husband for buying you a toaster, maybe you needed that toaster, like I need this time to grow. Sometimes we get the gifts we need not the gifts we want.
You are very wise! Keeping you in my prayers.