As a new Mom, everything looks different to me. Though Walker doesn't understand anything now, we have started discussing how we are going to explain things to him. Christmas I feel like was somewhat easier, though I’m sure when the actual time comes it may be difficult. But there will be no Santa Claus in our house. All the gifts will be from Mom and Dad and that won’t happen until after we read the birth story. We even started and did it exactly as we planned this year. Santa can be a story book character and a spirit of good deeds, but not the focus of Christmas for us.
Easter, however has always been harder for me. I like to blame society, but really I need to step up. See it’s so easy to get excited about Christmas. There is a Christmas season, and everyone is in the spirit (but not the Spirit), and there is just overall a big hub-ub about it. It is easy to prepare your heart for Christmas and the miracle that was our Savior’s birth. Which is great, but without Easter and his death-it doesn’t mean much. We need Easter, because we are a people of sin, a people who needs a Savior. I wish there were a big hub-ub about Easter so I felt as if my heart was more prepared for it each year. Each year I don’t feel like I’ve spent enough time with Him, really relishing in the awesomeness of what He did for us. I usually feel as if, all of a sudden IT’S EASTER, and then one blink later it is gone….
So for the first time, in quite a few years, I am going to celebrate the season of lent, and give something I dearly love up in an effort to grow closer to God and prepare my heart for Easter. In the past few weeks I feel convicted each time I watch my trashy reality tv (I just found Mob wives….oh my…that is bad…but yet I watched…). I know that this programing is taking me away from God, but yet I just feel addicted! So, starting tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, I will no longer be watching any reality tv, which does not have a good stream of God running through it (so I can’t still watch 19 kids and Counting…b/c I love the Duggers!) Hopefully by the end of it I will see A) how much time that was eating up and B)how much of a detriment it had on my spiritual life.
Oh yea, and we won’t be having an Easter bunny in our house. I can’t find any way to trace the bunny to Easter. We will have eggs, as eggs have a meaning of new life-which is exactly what Easter is about. And as Walker gets older, I’m sure I will find small ways to make sure he knows exactly how awesome Easter is, and why it is so important.
Until then, I need to go get my fix of bad reality tv, b/c today is the last day I can watch it!!!
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