So one post got stuck in word a few weeks ago and I couldn't get it onto the blog...but now I can, and so now you get a two-fer.
Post #1
Wow-long time no bloggin’. And clearly in that time I have been big time slacking it up. You know just doing a little part time child rearing, on the side house wifing and pretending to play Air Force once a month-ish ;P But man, where do I even start-I have a whole notes page on my iPhone of blog topics/thoughts. They may all end up in this one-if they do for that I will apologize in advance b/c I’m sure it will end up being a huge jibberish mess that only I can consider a good read. (Kind of like those babies that have a face only a mother can love…kidding…well sort of)
So….I’ve been a mom for about six weeks now and it still has not gotten any less weird to A)-call myself a mom or B)-call Walker my son (not b/c of Walker, but b/c of the realization that I have a son). I guess in part because I feel like I should feel grown up now. You know it’s the same feeling I thought I should have felt when I went to college, graduated college, commissioned into the Air Force, moved across the country (and then some), bought my first home, got married…I think you get the point. Before each of these points I thought I would feel….like a grown up. However I’m fairly certain no-one feels like a grown up. (Well I’d hope the president does, and he’s not just playing president like I feel like I’m playing house sometimes….or maybe that explains a thing or two…another topic for another time). So while I know I am responsible for another human being (a super cute human at that), I still feel like I’m 18 (well mentally, not physically-I’d take that body back any day now…)
Other post-Walker thoughts-while I really enjoy being a Mom, I think I more enjoy watching Doug be a dad. It is so much fun to watch, and more listen to him with Walker. The two of them together melt my heart and I love watching them!
Well I think my milk monster is waking up, so that is all for now. But before I go-I had a younger gal tell me, I gave her hope that you could still be cool when you have kids. Yea I’ll be riding that compliment out for a while. *Walker is 15 and embarrassed of me at the mall* Me:”I’m cool, because someone told me so in 2011!” Yea I’ve got to work that better…. Lol
Post #2
So Walker is now 9 weeks, officially 2 months old and I’m still riding that compliment :P The babe is playing in his bouncey chair so I will rush to write a little something. First I want to say he was the happiest camper in the chair before I pulled out my laptop, as soon as I pulled it out he started being a little whiney, like the lion and the turtle hanging in front of his face were taunting him.
Lately I think that Walker is seeing objects and potentially reaching for them, or more swatting at them…ON PURPOSE! Sadly I am so excited about this. It’s a milestone, wahoo. But I am over the moon excited. I stop and think if this is how excited I am at a potential on purpose swatting at a toy lion, then how excited am I going to be when he walks, or graduates kindergarten or becomes President? (parents have to dream right?) Then take it one step further, I can only imagine how excited God gets when we do something right. Like “hey look she finally realized that, that petty thing doesn’t matter and she’s happy even though it didn’t work out like she wanted”. Or “hey look she didn’t punch her husband for saying that” or maybe “yippie she didn’t drop the F-bomb there!” Yea I would imagine God is just as excited about our baby steps.
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