Tuesday, August 9, 2011


That is the only description I can come up with about how I’m feeling now-weird.  I can’t wait to be in agonizing pain because I know that will mean my little one is on his/her way to meet us.  Weird as I walk around our home today realizing this is the last time I will be alone in it for a very long time.  Weird as Doug and I awoke this morning realizing this is the last time we will wake up as just us (for the next 20 or so years as he pointed out).  Weird as we are so excited about what the future holds for us, but in reality we have no idea.  We are not naive enough to think we’ve got this all figured out and that we know what is in store for us.  We fully realize this child is going to throw us for a few loops and just when we think we have it figured out, we’ll be looking to add another to our clan J Weird that for the last 27 years all I’ve really had to worry about is me (and a little bit of Doug lately), but now there is this little creature that will be dependent on me for everything-weird!  Weird as I think about how everything we’ve been preparing for and talking about for the last 40 weeks is finally upon us.  I mean I knew the end result was a baby-but it is just so odd to fathom right now.  Weird to think about how shortly I will no longer have a tiny dancer in my belly but a squishy baby in my arms.  

I will honestly say I’m not so sure I’m ready for all the weirdness, but I do know that God will help me.  As Doug so aptly prayed the other night “we know we’re not ready, but know that you will prepare us for whatever may come”.  So here we are, about to dive into what has been called the greatest adventure of a lifetime-and all I can do is pray, “Lord, guide us for whatever weirdness we have lying ahead of us and thank you for all that is weird”. 

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