Thursday, June 23, 2011

My current problems = a future talent

Struggling through a problem is tough. Knowing others face or have faced that same problem is reassuring. However, knowing other Christians have faced that same issue is a God send. Knowing that I have someone to lean on who is of a Christian mindset, which will lead me back to God each and every time, is such a calming safety net. To me that is what it means that Jesus walks with us through each problem. Yes I understand he has conquered the world and he has faced all the trials we face and more. But it puts a different perspective on it when you realize he has done this through my Christian brothers and sisters. For example I know that one of the reasons that God gave me the struggle of losing my Dad was so that I could share my experience with others and have a better understanding of what they may be going through. I recently realized one of the reasons he’s given Doug and I the challenges of deployments was so that we could help other couples through the tough parts of deployments as well.

God does not give us trials so we can wallow in them. But so we will call on him and he will walk with us, in the form of our fellow Christians. So I guess instead of looking at problems as problems, I should look at them as an opportunity to fellowship with someone who has faced that problem and know that in the end I will have one more talent for which God can use me.

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