Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Design, New Season

Nothing really to post about, but I thought it had been too long, and I finally figured out how to update the design!  That had been driving me nuts.  This new design is a better representation of my life and shows my excitement for spring.  Really spring can't come fast enough.  Here I am wishing away my last few months before 'we' are 'three' but I can't help it.  March was stressful!  Taking two classes at the same time- one of which the teacher despises all of my work, a huge inspection at work, which no one in the office helped out with, work-oh my when I think they can't get wackier they do!  But April...oh April I'm so excited.  (Well minus the fact that Doug will be in Mississippi for that month...) but I'll only be taking one class...MY LAST CLASS...and the teacher grades super easy!  Work will slow down!  I have my college reunion-which I am so stoked to see everyone!  I will have time to do all the things around the house I've just pushed off or the baby has made me forget about and finally create my baby registry! 

But really, I'm excited about Easter too.  I'm sad that I won't get to spend it with Doug, but in the past few  years I haven't really had the time to focus on Easter and what it means.  This year with my woman's bible study and a little of studying on my own I'm attempting to get my heart ready for Easter.  B/c the reality of it is, Easter is the Superbowl of Christianity!  And it gets very little attention!  This is what it is all about folks!  We need Easter!  Easter was for us!  As you can tell I'm super into it ;)  At least my heart is anyways!

And because any post would not be complete without me admitting a fault here it is.  I publicly apologize to all pregnant women that went before me.  I seriously thought that anyone who gained a ton of weight was a lazy slob with no self control, who doesn't care about themselves or the baby and that pregnancy was soooo easy. BOY DID I HAVE THAT WRONG.  Now that I am that lazy slob with no self control (though I will say that all those people who constantly tell me "the baby needs this piece of cake" are not helping!), I understand.  So yes, I was a judgmental jerk (well if we're being honest I still am sometimes...I'm working on it...)-so I'm just putting this out there...from one judgmental jerk to the others out there...pregnancy is not a cake walk(well unless you count all the cake I've eaten) get my point.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for Easter.  Thank you for giving up your only Son so that I may be forgiven for my judgmental ways.  So that you may teach me the honest lessons of love that I need to learn.  In your Son's amazing name I pray-Amen!


  1. Hey lady! I shared an award with you...come check out my blog to receive your should share it too!

  2. Haha I apologized to all the pregnant women that had gone before as well. I did almost everything right and still gained way more weight than I should have and swelled up like a balloon. It was AWFUL and I felt so bad for all my judgmental thoughts towards those who went before. I think it's just an easy thing to judge until you're there yourself.
