Saturday, December 18, 2010

I give you, you don’t give me, I don’t flip out

So recently I have been tested as I’d like to think of it, by a friend who simply doesn’t reciprocate.  Amazing person, but does not make the time to reciprocate the friendship.  At first it was troublesome, but then I took a step back.  A)-that person was going through things that my tiny world couldn’t even fathom.  So I had to take a step out of the normal attitude of 2010 (it isn’t that bad everybody goes through that)-no everyone doesn’t and I can’t expect everyone to react the same way.  And B)-God didn’t send us here to love the people that are easy to love (I have a feeling I honestly wouldn’t be as loved…b/c I’m a brat!)  But seriously-if we only love the people that it takes little or no effort to love, or the ones that are fun to love (generally under the age of 10)-then who loves everyone else?  So I have and am making a concerted effort to love those that don’t reciprocate the love and to not be offended by it. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Excited, Nervous, Busy, stressed, and generally missing life...huh....

So lately things have gotten a little exciting around our house hold, and when I'm not caught up in the excitement, I get nervous or wrapped into the bus of our lives, that in turn honestly just stresses me out.  So when am I enjoying life again? Especially this time of year!  Seriously!  This is the time where I am supposed to remember how awesome life is because a tiny baby came into this world to save me from sin (and I totally need that every day!) {Side note-but awesome side note-seriously-this tiny baby, spitting, pooping, and needing to be coo-ed-is our savior-awesome!  Who doesn’t want to praise a tiny baby!  Talladega nights had something right, sorry…I’m rambling}
So what to do, what to do?  Well Doug challenged me the other night and made me think about all the extra things I put on my plate (or I make a priority).  So I’m trying to step back and really take a look at what I’m prioritizing.  It started today with me sitting at work, dead tired, wanting to take a nap, but thinking I should stay at work.  Then I realized I had no reason to so I left, went home and took a nap!  Beautiful.  Managed to do it guilt free too!  Amazing!  So I’m on a fantastic voyage, (without Coolio as my sidekick), to cut back on the things that I guilt myself into for no reason.  I realize I may disappoint someone along the way, but I will have to deal with that. 
I’m also attempting to really live in the moment more.  I’m notorious for making to do lists about the future, spacing off in a convo-because I’m planning the next thing I need to do (Doug knows that sometimes even though I try I don’t listen to what he is saying…), or just generally not enjoying an experience because I’m contemplating and planning another one.  (Seriously I’m always counting down to something that is going to make my life awesome….)  So I’m really trying to live in the moment.  Take time to enjoy the company I am with, and not think/plan anything else. 
So here is to cutting out the unnecessary things I pile on my plate (not literally because I will prolly still eat too much this Christmas), and living in the moment. 
God, thank you for all that you have blessed me with.  I pray that you will assist me in my current venture and that this will in turn make my walk with you stronger.  Let me remember that the excitement you have placed in my life is to be true excitement, and not stress.  Let me remember that above all this life is about love, and stress and taskers have no place in love.  Thank you for that precious baby.  Amen. 

P.S. I dedicate this blog to someone who keeps praising my work.  You remind me that this isn't just a rambling of my silly thoughts-but this is God and I am to spread God-even if it is my silly thoughts.  Thank you.